Advance Classes
Your advance personnel are one of the most critical aspects of your team.
An effective Advance Person:
- Is prepared for every contingency.
- Is a master of all event aspects: security, press, and especially audio visual requirements.
- Is aware of the full range of possibilities of today’s sound lighting and staging gear, and is able to direct their use for maximum benefit and effectiveness.
- Knows how to communicate with facility personnel and to utilize house equipment.
- Understands how to get the most out of an event for the lowest capital outlay.

Does this sound like your staff?
Experienced Political Productions.com personnel can tailor a training program especially for your campaign’s advance staff. Advance Classes are typically a one day program that cover press conferences, town meetings, photo-ops, fundraisers, and even debates. Written materials are provided to enhance a Powerpoint presentation as well as actual demonstrations of sound, lighting and staging equipment.We’ll cover all aspects of:
- Site Selection – Is a site workable for your event?
- Live Sound – What an Advance Person needs to know about the requirements of the sound crew, what to ask for, and what to expect.
- Press Feeds – How they work, and how they can work for or against YOU!
- Lighting – What is broadcast quality lighting, why is it important, and how to use it.
- Staging – What an Advance Person needs to know about staging, taking into consideration the needs of candidates, sponsors, endorsers, entertainers, and the press.
- Crowd Control – Controlling the candidates, crowd, VIPs and the press.
- The Shot – How you want to portray your candidate to the press and how to accomplish that task.
- The Press – Building a relationship, what they want and what they need.
- Room Layout – Where to set the stage, press, entertainment and VIPs
- Local Agencies – The Fire Marshall: friend or foe?
- Signage – Color, placement, materials and shape: How to ID your event.
- Message – How to keep the audience focused on the visual message of the event.
- Makeup – How to use it, when to avoid it.
- Event Program – How to develop a tightly scripted event timeline.
To learn more about Political Productions.com’s Advance Classes, contact David Grossman.