
Political Productions.com is the trusted name in broadcast quality lighting to get the desired look utilizing our full line of state-of-the-art LED lighting packages. If you don’t look good on TV, you don’t look good period. That 10 second news spot you worked so hard to get will do you more harm than good if the candidate is poorly lit. Trust the experience of Political Productions.com to get the job done right.
We stock all of the tools to get the right results, including an extensive inventory of HMI lighting from 200 watts to an incredible 18,000 watts.
Our staff understands broadcast lighting. We know when to use quartz or HMI lighting.
For indoor jobs we supply a complete quartz lighting package which can be either floor or ceiling mounted for a broadcast quality event.
We are also moving light and special effects experts for those events or rallies that require sizzle. Our Lighting staff will provide your event with the desired footcandles, correct color temperature, and with the eye lights, audience fill lighting, and crowd relief lighting it requires. Don’t leave the look of your event up to a rock-and-roll lighting jock.
Any necessary rigging is performed by one of our certified riggers using state-of-the-art trussing and chain motors.